The Service League of Northwest Indiana is a non-for profit 501(c)3 organization that was founded in 1938. our 100% Volunteer group of women support over thirty-five local non-profits.
We are a structured group of 30+ volunteer women governed by the constitution and bylaws formed from our originating members. We continue to honor and carry out the mission-driven work of our Associate Members, those who have served ten years or more. Learn more about our history! From delivering Meals on Wheels and working in soup kitchens, building homes with Habitat for Humanity and so much more, our active officers and members work tirelessly to benefit our community through hands-on projects and fundraising efforts.
While our work is spread throughout the calendar year, our annual Taste of the Region fundraising event has become our signature culinary celebration and our most impactful philanthropic effort. We have raised close to $200,000 over the last three years and we won’t stop raising the bar for ourselves!
“Thank you so much for your donation to the Down Syndrome Association of Northwest Indiana. Your contribute helps us serve over 350 families that have a child with Down Syndrome. Your work is very much appreciated!”

Our $2400 donation to the Nazareth Home takes care of ten special needs babies for one day
Our $2000 donation to the Area Career Center purchased art supplies for students with moderate to severe mental disabilities.
Our $2,800 donation to the Gary Life Initiative sponsored four students at $700 each for a full college care package.
Our $4000 donation to the Fairhaven Center for Women went to the production and printing of full color student workbooks for students in grades 3-6.
Our $1000 donation to the Food Bank of NWI went toward the backpack program
Our $2000 donation to Sojourner Truth provided funds for critical car for homeless and at-risk women in the Region.
Help us raise money for our 2025 Taste of the Region Event by donating to our auction or sponsoring.
highlights from our events and activities